Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hansen life: March

I'm sad/annoyed/bummed to report we had another round of sicknesses in March. The standard spring colds made their way through the house, and then the month ended with Mary getting an infection that she needed antibiotics for. She started having a high fever on Easter Sunday, and by Wednesday of that week her fever was still in the 103-105 range (even with medicine!). We took her to her pediatrician, who sent her over to the ER for more observation and testing. It was there they discovered she had a urinary tract infection, and that was causing her high fever. At that point, Mary hadn't been eating or drinking for over 48 hours, so I was so thankful to get a diagnoses and start her on antibiotics! About 4 days after the first dose of antibiotics she was back to her normal, healthy self! What a scare the whole ordeal was. At the peak of her fever she was shaking and inconsolable at times during the middle of the night. Moving ahead, we know to keep a close eye on her if she gets another unexplained high fever, and to check for a UTI right away.

The rest of March was low key - just passing the time until the weather got nice enough to venture outside. We did some play dates, some outings, and a few get gatherings with friends. 

This month our church offered another pre-marital counseling class for newly engaged couples, and Kyle and I help co-lead the class from time to time when we are able. We're happy to be able to help out again during this current session - it's so good for our marriage, and it's really a joy to be able to help young couples navigate their engagement and prepare for a biblical marriage.

Kyle's cousin Ashley and the rest of the girl cousins planned a surprise girl's night to celebrate my belated birthday (because everyone was sick on the weekend of my actual birthday!). So, so thoughtful - and so fun!

Drew being a big helper!

Mary's first time in the swing - she loved it!

Mary started crawling at the beginning of the month! She was almost 8 months old in this picture.

Drew likes to play "hop on pop" with Kyle after he gets home from work!

We are trying together for a monthly brunch with some friends of ours, and it's really fun because of all the little kiddos! At this point the kids were a little "done" with playing, and all the dads and kids loaded up on the couch to watch some Thomas the Train so that the ladies could finish chatting over coffee and cold quiche (oh the joys of motherhood - never a warm meal again!).
I know I've said this before, but Drew really likes Table Time. We started doing some activity books and it always amazes me what he can do. I'm glad he's enjoying this time, because we've decided to wait to enroll him into any kind of pre-k/pre-s until fall 2017. He has a summer birthday, so he'd either be really young for his class, or really old - and ever piece of advice I've been given is to wait and have them be old for their class (especially boys!). 

Clearly he enjoys learning letters and numbers, painting, color, crafting, etc - so I make it a priority to have Table Time twice a week in the morning for him. I've also gathered some materials and resource to teach him the sounds of each letter of the alphabet. Next year I'll actually do a short teaching time from a curriculum with him, and then the following year we'll enroll him in a pre-k class to get him ready for the full day kindergarten the following year. We've toyed with the idea of doing home school for K-2 grade, but that's far off so we'll see what happens there :)

Lovely ladies night with two of my girlfriends from high school/college!

Drew has - on his own imitative - started doing chores to earn money. We're using this opportunity to teach him his very first lesson about money: money comes from work!

Exploring Warm Beach with great aunt Shirley!

Oh how I can't wait for sunny days up at Warm Beach this summer!

Drew and papa have been reading the morning paper at this spot for almost two years now! My how time flies.

We had an impromptu gathering of moms + kids from the moms group I was in when Drew was first born. All of these cute kiddos are within a few months of age from each other. They as brand new little babies, and now they are wild toddlers! There was much coercion going on behind the camera to get them to all sit nicely like this for 2.5 seconds.

FINALLY he is figuring out how to properly "smile" for the camera! :)

Don't let those smiles fool you - this was right before we first discovered she had a fever of over 104!
Mary and I were matching our outfit colors for Easter - I love having a little girl!

Sick Mary in our bed in the middle of the night later that day.

Snuggling with dad at the ER, waiting to find out her test results

All loaded full of medicine and antibiotics and starting to feel better!

Drew found my old cheerleading pom poms and really went wild!

He likes to "park" his cars in various places in the driveway

Our church was doing family photos on Easter!

Easter morning! Drew got some new socks and some fun stickers!

And miss Mary enjoyed chewing on her new bow!

Table all set for Easter brunch! We inherited this gorgeous table from my girlfriend, and I LOVE hosting people at it!

Our church did baptisms on Easter! Watching baptisms ALWAYS makes me cry! We watched little kids, husbands, wives, and even grandparents climb into the water and publicly declare their faith through the act of baptism. Jesus is alive and the holy spirit is at work!

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