Christmas is about celebrating Jesus, gift of God. As we celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas, we're also celebrating another special gift from the Lord...the gift of life!
We're expecting!
We're expecting!
We are overjoyed! Thrilled! Elated! So, so, so happy! I can't stop crying at random times, both for joy and sometimes from remembering our journey to this place. See, the joy of getting pregnant doesn't immediately wipe away the heartache that preceded it. But I can say that previous heartache is starting to retreat into a tender place in my heart for those in waiting. I could go on for hours about what I learned about waiting during this past season, but I'll save that for another time.
We had an early ultrasound at 5.5 weeks (due to the fertility drugs I was on and a previous miscarriage), and we saw TWO sacs on the screen. It was unclear if the smaller sac was a twin or not. We returned the following week and the ultrasound revealed only saw one sac, but that one sac had a strong little heartbeat flashing on the screen. Hooray! We will never know if the second sac was a twin or not (it could have been just a pool of fluid that showed up on the scan). We would have delighted in twins, but honestly we're a little relieved there is just one in there. :-)
I don't have any bump photos to share because I haven't felt up to it this time around yet; I am just starting to pull out of the all day long, Zofran's got nothing on this, don't even say the word "food" 1st trimester sickness. I've tried to "enjoy" every moment of that, because the sickness reminds me of what is happening inside of me! Once I hit the second trimester I hope to resume the weekly photos. Baby is due July 20th; I'm 10 weeks right now. Please join us in rejoicing for this long-awaited gift of life!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!