The last month has been very busy, just like the month before it, and the month before that...and the one before's a little bit of what we've been up to through the eyes of my iPhone camera!
Tour de Terrace in Mountlake Terrace
Waiting for the parade to start |
Every great parade has a great big firetruck! |
We thought it was funny that this group that was against big business... |
Was followed by Ronald McDonald on a sagway. |
My friends at Cascade Elite! |
Our stash. We had to work hard for this, as apparently only kids get candy at the Tour De Terrace Parade! |
Seafair Pirates |
The ferris wheel I wanted to go on. There was hardly any line for the actual ride, the line to buy tickets seemed to have no end. Maybe next year... |
Funnel cakeeeeeee - yum! |
Kyle displaying his athletic dart-throwing ability... |
Won me this little guy! His name is Ken Sherman. |
Leaving the fair - happy times! |
Edmonds Farmers Market with Brooke
So many good deals on produce, flowers, and other items. We ended up getting peaches to enjoy at home. |
The food was a little overpriced...but good! |
Brookie and I |
Hubs and I |
Beach Baptisms with our church at Golden Gardens
Kyle playing with Copie on the swings |
KC playing ball with Cope |
Getting a lift from Uncle Kyle. Cope calls Kyle "Ky-ol" :) |
Beach Baptisms - Mars Hill Ballard team |
Gals from Kids Ministry - Me, Karen, Monica and Alayna |
Best Friend Chelsea's Wedding! This was my first time being a maid-of-honor, and it was SO much fun!
Wedding Rehearsal |
Night before the wedding sleepover snacks...perfect! |
The bride getting some last minute planning done |
Sister Lizzy returning from a much needed coffee run! |
Sister Jodi getting our hair prepped in the morning |
Groomsmen setting up at the venue |
Hanging dozens and dozens of tissue poms |
My best friend is married!! |
Harry the Husky made a special guest appearance |
Up Time company picnic at The Nile Golf Course
Relaxing with baby Addie at the company picnic. Love that little girl! |
Taste of Edmonds
Chowing down at the Taste of Edmonds |
Enjoying a Heart cover band in the grandstands |
The older generation really enjoying the music |
Cheers to ice cream! |
We ended the night by people watching on Main Street - very lovely way to end a really long weekend! |
Giving it grace: You'd think I would have picked up on the theme of busyness this summer, and at some point just submitted to what was obvious: we have a lot going on! Instead, I keep longing for quiet morning reading a book, or early evenings in watching romantic comedies. When that doesn't happen, I get increasingly frustrated and tired. God is teaching me a lot about perspective this summer. I'm sure parents of multiple kids look at the pace of Kyle and I's summer and would give anything to trade us for even a day. Or, I'm guessing a young couple who just moved here with no friends and family would be happy to attend multiple birthday parties in one weekend if it meant getting spend time with loved ones. In short, I'm a total whiner. A big selfish baby. And I'm thankful God is showing me that. That in the face of me being a brat about "my time", God is being gracious and teaching me all we have to be thankful for. God is showing me that all of the "stuff" taking up my time is the blessings of family and friends in our life: birthdays, weddings, baby showers, golf tournaments, picnics, parades - all little glimpses we get into all that He has in store for us in heaven. And what's even more astounding, is that those blessings are not just for Christians. The Christian and the non-Christian can both sit and enjoy the same beautiful day at the local Farmer's market, because God doesn't reserve His blessings just for those who know him as Lord - He gives many, many, many blessings to all those that walk the earth...and every ounce of blessing is backed up with a mile of His grace. I'm grateful that even in the midst of being seemingly ungrateful, God is patient with me and loyal to teach me more about the nature of His blessings and how they don't change just because I'm not being grateful in recognizing them.
All that being said, here's to hoping the rest of this summer slows down a bit :)