Thursday, February 4, 2016

2015 Christmas

I thought Christmas was fun last year with Drew, but this year was even better! So many "ohhhs" and "oh wow!"as he was opening each gift. It was really hysterical for us to watch, and I loved how much he enjoyed Christmas (not that we ever doubted he would enjoy it - haha!). We started with the advent calendar in December and for a while I think he thought "Christmas" was just about that fun new calendar in the hallway. Throughout the month I did Christmas related activities with him during our Table Time, and also tried to ever-so-lightly cover the basics of Christmas. In our house, those basics are: Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus' birthday by giving and receiving gifts, and Santa Clause is a pretend Christmas grandpa (although I don't think he understands what pretend means). Next year we'll add on to those concepts, but that was about all he needed to know this year. 

We celebrated our family Christmas the weekend before Christmas this year because I wanted to spread out the gifts for Drew. We give each child three gifts on Christmas (in honor of Jesus receiving three gifts in the manager). Sometimes I cheat and combine a few gifts into one package because I can't resist :)  We celebrated Christmas Eve at Kyle's grandma Eva's house, Christmas morning at our house with my family, and Christmas Day up and Warm Beach with my dad's family. We celebrated Christmas with Kyle's family a few weekends after Christmas and sadly I forgot to take any photos but it was a wonderful time as usual!

{ Our family Christmas the weekend before Christmas }

Kyle and Drew talking about how Christmas is Jesus' birthday!
Toddler Jenga. I really love the toys from Lakeshore Leanring!
Eating her books...classic Mary!
Kyle got me this personalized "D" and "M" charm necklace from this Etsy shop

Love this kids' eyebrows!

Every year I get Kyle a pound of exotic meat. This year was frog legs!
Happy kids!

{ Christmas Eve at Kyle's Grandma Eva's house }

Christmas Eve we always spend with Kyle's family at his Grandma Eva's house. I believe the headcount was 31 people this year! It's a lot of people in a small space, but so much fun all squished in. My favorite part is the carol singing; I wish we did that part longer (although the kids get antsy because they want to open gifts - can't blame them!).

{ Christmas morning with my family at our house }



{ Christmas day at Warm Beach with the Watsons }

Gramps finally got his war vet hat! Looks great!
Best we could do :)

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