No fancy pics this time, just a list...
- What to Expect the First Year - I still read this occasionally but I found it took too much time to read it, and I am able to gauge Drew's development through the babies in my PEPS group (see below) and from my doctor to feel confident at where he is at.
- Baby Sign Language Basics - We definitely use sign language, but I just usually google a sign for a word if I don't know it. So far, I can tell Drew understands me, but I don't think he's anywhere near being able to sign anything back to me.
- Bible - if I don't read this at least every other day, I become a mean mommy and whiny wife
- The Power of a Praying Parent (and the The Power of a Praying Wife) - part of my quiet time routine
- On Becoming Baby Wise, On Becoming Baby Wise, Book Two - Drew is a Babywise baby, and we're obviously huge fans of the method. It's primarily a "sleep training" method, but the benefits far surpass just sleep training. If you haven't read the books, or don't have time, this blog is a good resource. There is also a Facebook group that's a fantastic resource.
- WonderWeeks App on my iPhone - I don't check this that often, but usually when Drew is extra fussy he's going through a developmental leap. I like reading about the leaps, and there are tips on how to help your baby through the leap. If nothing else, it keeps me from getting to the end of my rope when I can better understand what he's going through.
- Gymboree - The Parent's Guide to Play - If I ever find myself just staring at Drew kinda bored (this rarely happens), I whip this book out. Thus, it stays on my list.
- The Growing Child - This subscription was a sweet gift from the family I nanny for. I still read these while Drew is taking his baths. I like the little anecdotes and stories that are included.
- Gospel-Powered Parenting - I've read this before, and loved it. We aren't quite there yet with Drew, but I've got it out and ready to read in the coming months as a refresher.
- Shepherding a Child's Heart - Haven't read this yet, but I know it will be a resource we will use.
- Baby Brain Rules - LOVE. L, O, V, E. Love. Must read. I can't praise this book enough.
- I used this when I was registering for baby gear, but continue to consult it. Her e-mails are fantastically hilarious, so definitely sign up for them.
- obviously an old favorite (we abuse our Prime membership), but I realized I rely on Amazon almost exclusively (other than Lucie's List) to tell me which products to buy based on reviews.
- Edmonds Moms group on Facebook: this is a private group on Facebook that is for moms that work/play/live in Edmonds. What a great resource! With over 3,000 women, I can ask a question any time of day - or night - and get immediate answers. If you don't live in Edmonds, I encourage you to ask around to see if there is a group like this (on Facbeook) for your area.
- My PEPS group: if you are pregnant or have a new baby, join a PEPS group. I have a vast support system (including a fab husband) and nannied for 12 years before having a baby, and I would go so far as to say I may have completely fallen apart without my PEPS group. I love my PEPS group and we still get together often (and keep up on Facebook and over e-mail).
Giving it grace: I like to learn. In fact, I enjoy learning. I can also take my joy for learning too far; I get easily frustrated when I can't "master" a topic. You can imagine my frustration when I first became a Christian and realized how long the Bible brain was trying to calculate how long it would take me to "learn" the Bible. {Spoiler alert: you can never be done learning the Bible}. You can also imagine my frustration when Drew wasn't the baby I read about in my What to Expect the First Year book. By God's grace, I quickly grew comfortable with the reality that I can't "master" Drew, or being a parent (or a wife, or even a human!) for that matter. I can avail myself to the resources at my finger tips, pray until my knees are raw, and simply show up every morning. And that's all I've got. That's all I'm meant to have: my God-given brain, a teachable heart, and a weakness that demands God show up in the moments that happen in between the page turns, google searches, and late night product reviews. His grace fills in the gaps, His grace is the gaps.
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