I can't believe this little girl is old enough to graduate college!
Sometime around 1992 (hence the awesome jeans!) |
My grandma custom made Brooke her own Pocahantas outfit and she wore is EVERYWHERE! |
This past weekend we celebrated Brooke's graduation from the University of Washington. She double majored in Psychology and Sociology. So basically, at this point in her education, she can just
look at you and be able to tell you everything about how and why you are the way you are. Just a fair warning to her future husband...!
Anyways, Thursday night we gathered together to watch her graduation from the Psychology Department, and then Saturday we all trekked down to Qwest Field to celebrate with thousands of other graduates and their families.
Some pictures from this weekend:
Pysch Graduation |
Making it official! |
Classic Husky Dawg pic! |
With the graduate! |
Proud Parents! |
UW Grad! |
Brooke and Sam |
Grad caps |
UW alumnae! |
Husband and wife UW alum! |
Down at Qwest Field |
Graduates entering the stadium (hint: look at the bottom right of the photo...) |
"Do you see her? Where is she?" |
"Wait, is that her...?" |
Found her! |
Yep - that's her! |
The variety of expressions in this photo makes me laugh...and then there is Brooke, always smiling! |
Getting ready to cross the stage! |
Diploma in hand! |
Just a few thousand young adults who are going to be looking for jobs...congrats graduates! |
Proud dad! |
So proud of you Brookie! |
Brooke with some of her sorority sisters: Macy, Bailey, Brooke and Sam |
Outside of the Hard Rock Cafe after dinner |
Dad with his girls! |
Such a fun weekend celebrating Brooke! |
After Brooke becomes an auntie this summer, she'll be settling into a year-long internship with the University Presbyterian Church in the U-District. She'll be working with three other interns, doing ministry outreach to college students in the area. I'm so excited to see where this next year takes her!
Giving it grace: It's so fun to watch my little sister grow up, but it's a little scary too. I find myself wanting to protect her from the realities of life after college, but also not wanting to keep her from continuing to grow into the young woman God has designed her to be. At this point in life, I consider Brooke much more of a friend than my "baby sister", but I also can't help but feel the call of God's instruction to older women in Titus 2. In Titus 2, we learn that "older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." That's a tall order! I often don't feel up to the task, as it was Brooke that ultimately led me to Jesus...how can I be the one to train her now? I'd love to say that I've nailed being a Titus 2 woman. In reality, I'm not sure how often I happen to do or say things that would come close to qualifying me as a Titus 2 woman. I do know, however, that when I do have moments of Titus 2 womanhood, it's 100%, undeniably Jesus - in His grace - working through me, and nothing I'm doing on my own merit. I pray that as Brooke continues to grow and mature, that I would continue to learn to be a Titus 2 woman in her life. In the meantime, I am comforted knowing that God - in His grace - is loving her and leading her down his perfect path for her life.
Love you Arnold - so proud of you!
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