Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Like this, but less...

Kyle and I headed down south this past Sunday for a couples wedding shower hosted by my grandma. It was a great shower and my grandma had this really awesome cake made for us!
That's us on the top! And the sides!
After the shower, we headed over to Ikea because we decided we wanted to purchase our bed before the wedding+honeymoon. We've had our eye on this guy for quite a while now:
The Hemnes King in Black-Brown
Our own little piece of Hemnes heaven...complete with King-sized memory foam mattress! While Kyle planned ahead on bringing the van to Ikea, we didn't quite have an "official" plan on how we were going to get the mattress inside the van. Leave it to Kyle to get SUPER crafty and literally fold the mattress in half!
Sorry for the poor quality photo. And please excuse my outfit - it was FREEZING
outside and I was wearing Kyle's huge sweater over my dress.
Fortunately, we got the mattress home and it recovered perfectly from being folded in half:
The box around it makes it look smaller than it is, but Kyle and I laid on it and you
could definitely fit at least 4 people! Not that we'd ever want to do that...
The idea is to put the black bed frame with white bedding in the teal bedroom, like these people have done:
Like this, but less girly...
While we were at Ikea, we decided to check on some other items on our list just to see how they were doing. We headed over to check on our couch, and found out that if we bought it before the 20th of the month, we'd get 15% back on our purchase!
The glorious Ektorp in black!
 We did the math and realized that would MORE than cover the deliver fee, so we went for it! The couch is scheduled to be delivered Christmas Eve :) The idea is to put the black couch up against the sage green accent wall, like these people did:
Like this, but less modern...and no weird leafy branch on the wall...

It's all coming together! Slowly, but surely...

Giving it grace: Moving in together, despite all the Ikea excitement, takes a lot of grace between the two of us. Kyle has been hands-down much better at giving me grace than I have been to him. God has blessed him with an endless amount of patience and ability to see the bigger picture. Meanwhile, God is growing me to learn how to "let things go" and trust His perspective on things. And there's the never ending battle of teaching me to have more patience (ironically, it takes a long time to learn patience...something I don't really have the patience for...). Getting our bed and then making the quick decision to get our couch at the same time has definitely quelled my furniture anxiety for the time being. The end goal is to make sure that we have a home that we can invite people over to do life in, and a place for Kyle and I (Kyle especially) to re-charge each night as we keep up with life's demands. We are both very blessed that Kyle already has a condo that we've been able to transform into a home (i.e. make it more girly!) over the past few months.

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